Janky Jingle Crew

Makers of high-tech christmas cards


We are the Janky Jingle Crew, a group of makers who come together every year to make cool Christmas cards, which we give out to family and friends. This originally started when we were part of the CASE association at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, and it has since become a tradition.

Previous years

2024: North Pole Circuit

North Pole Circuit

(Press thumbnail to watch demo video)

See also: Hackaday article, hackster.io article

2023: ch32 fireplace

ch32 fireplace

(Press thumbnail to watch demo video)

See also the Hackaday article

2022: Christmas Banana Synth

Christmas banana synth

(Press thumbnail to watch demo video)

2021: Reindeer Volume Meter (with CASE association)

Reindeer Volume Meter

(Press thumbnail to watch demo video)

Team members